Monday, January 7, 2008

Problem with policies that create dependency

When you met a problem, what comes to your mind first?

Do you think of what causes the problem?

Do you think of someone who can solve the problem? Eventually, you pass your problem to someone else.

Do you think that is not my problem? Eventually, the problem becomes part of you.

Well, the global economy has become very competitive, only on the global front. Elsewhere as individual economy or small capital company, people have become complacent with being assisted by policies. Consequently, they are also restricted by policies.

What do some do to make sure policies assist them? They pen their thoughts and make them public. After creating the desired publicity, the policy makers are forced into action.


Before the policy makers see the effect of these dependency policies take its full effect on itself, there are others who thought they are not perfect enough to be policies. Then, the policy makers begin to make adjustments and minor and drastic amendments. The people are more violent this time. The society becomes chaotic the economy starts to break down and disintegrate.

Another scenario. The policies is not satisfactory. The people affected by the policies are not happy. But there are no other alternatives as the people have become dependent. They gradually lost their skill of survival. Without much thought, whatever good or bad things that may come are accepted. Once or twice some laymen on the streets complained about the policies and inflation. But, at the end of the day they resume their normal life and continue to work hard hoping that one day things would be better or even waited for someone to point out the imperfection.

Why have we become such dependent souls?

Have we lost our ability to survive?

Why can't we solve our problems ourselves?

Must we depend on someone to create that kind of conducive environment?

What about competition?

Dear readers, please take some time to think carefully. Every suggestion can be selfish commentaries, especially those written by someone who are experts in their field of expertise. These suggestions are not for you but for them, for them to squeeze you of your last dollar.

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